My name is Jessica Venema, I'm 35 and an A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise) certified personal trainer, currently working on a Fitness Nutrition Specialty Certification. I've always been a fairly active person, and did what I thought was a decent job maintaining a healthy diet throughout my life. About six years ago, my husband and I were looking over a picture from our honeymoon, and one in particular that was especially bothersome. We realized we were both out of shape and holding excess body fat; we were a little embarrassed.

Shortly thereafter, we decided to start taking fitness and overall health much more seriously, and as time went on, I finally decided to sign up for my first fitness competition; NPC bikini division. It wasn't well thought out, I didn't have a plan, and I wasn't competition ready. With less than three months to prepare, I just jumped right in hoping it would all work out. I made many mistakes. I didn't know how to eat or train for such an event, but I got on stage and felt surprising great up there. This was a pleasant development as self-esteem has always been a sore spot for me. I think the judges graded me higher than I deserved and awarded me top three in all but one show. I learned and took away what I could and was determined to do it the right way the next time.

When I became pregnant with my daughter, I decided I was going to continue making health and fitness a priority for both my daughter and I, and not going to fall victim to cravings that many women deal with. It was challenging, but I was able to hold myself accountable and avoid gaining weight in excess; exercising up until the day before she was born. I was back at the gym four weeks after, and when she turned one year, I hired a coach who prepped me with training, nutrition and posing for my next competition. This helped speed up the baby-weight loss and gave me a goal to strive for. As I continued with fitness shows, the competition became more challenging, but I noticed much improvement in my overall physique and I was confident I looked and felt better than I had previously. And that's what really matters.

Fast forward several years…I found myself in a job that was not fulfilling. Although it was relatively good pay for the work, it wasn't what I wanted to do and I was not able to give as much time to my husband and daughter as I wanted. I began a serious self-evaluation; looking at how many hours a week I dedicated to fitness and healthy meal preparation, and started wondering why I wasn't working a health-related field. Friends and family would regularly ask for fitness advice and tips, so I began coaching two friends of mine using basic training and nutrition knowledge I had learned over my recent years of training. I finally decided to obtain a personal training certification and see where it led me.

I realized I no longer wanted to work in a field I thought I should be in, but rather one I wanted to be doing. Something I had a passion about and something I felt I was knowledgeable enough about and professional enough to pass on to others. Most people, especially busy moms and overworked professionals, don't have the resources available or enough time allocated to properly get themselves to the level of overall health and well-being that they would so choose. I have made it my full-time passion to do that for you, making total fitness a very attainable goal. And, because you are reaching out to me at the startup of this new adventure, I am offering significant discounts for new plans.